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Actor, Artist, Designer, Essayist

Born in Aichi, Japan and graduated from Bunka Fashion College Tokyo, Fashion Engineering Course, Knit Design Department. Since her mid-teens, she has worked in various occupations while working as an actor, multi-creator and member of a church ministry. After marriage she has lived in Bremen, Germany since 2018 and in Vienna, Austria since 2019. She studied UX/UI design at Talent Garden Innovation School Vienna. Currently she is working as an actor and designer mainly in Europe, including the British film OSAKA (lead role), the Greek film PERSEPHONE, the Hollywood film Minamata, etc., and is currently writing the series 'Guided Journey' in the web magazine STAY SALTY.

愛知県知多市生まれ 文化服装学院 ファッション工科課程ニットデザイン科卒業。10代半ばより様々な職種を経験しながら、役者、マルチクリエイター、子供たちへのパフォーマンス指導、ゴスペルフラミニストリーの一員として活動した後、結婚を機に2018年からブレーメン、2019年よりウィーン、2024年よりミュンヘン在住。Talent Garden Innovation School ViennaにてUX/UI デザインコース修了。現在イギリス映画OSAKA(主演)やギリシャ映画PERSEPHONE、ハリウッド映画Minamata等、欧州を中心に俳優・デザイナーとして活動、ウェブマガジンSTAY SALTYにて「Guided Journey」連載中。



2013 'FLARE' directed by Yukichi Otsuka
2014 'HARAJUKU CINEMA' directed by Masashi Omino
2018 'Back To Brett' Australian TV series (Heroine) by Tiny Giants Co
2019 'PERSEPHONE' directed by Costas Athousakis
2020 'Minamata' (Featured Extra) directed by Andrew Levitas
2023 'Osaka' (Starring) directed by Hank Orion

2013 「FLARE」大塚祐吉監督
2014 「HARAJUKU CINEMA」小美野昌史監督
2018 「Back To Brett」(ヒロイン) オーストラリアテレビシリーズ
2019 「PERSEPHONE」Costas Athousakis監督
2020 「Minamata」(エキストラ)Andrew Levitas監督
2023 「OSAKA」(主演) Hank Orion監督


2013 Fahrenheit 102℉ ~ The bottom of the Edo Period ~ directed by Shigeo Owa
2014 Guillotine directed by Shigeo Owa
2015 THE CHRIST OF NANKING (Starring)by Shigeo Owa
2016 Princess Hibotan (Starring) directed by Shigeo Owa
2016 TWELFTH EVENING directed by Shigeo Owa
2017 'Spread your wings' by K's special needs entertainment
2023 'Falling in Love' directed by Shingo Misawa

2013 「華氏102℉〜幕末どん底伝〜」大輪茂男演出
2014 「断頭台」大輪茂男演出
2015 「南京の基督」(主演)大輪茂男演出
2016 「緋牡丹姫」(主演)大輪茂男演出
2016 「十二夜」(一人芝居)大輪茂男演出
2017 「K’s special needs entertainment」翼を広げて
2023 「恋に落ちて」水澤心吾演出

【Model and Talent/その他モデル・タレント活動】

2010 'Koi no Kara no KARAKUZAN' 17th season, Nippon Television
2011 'Tsunagaru SEVEN' Weather forecast girl, J:COM
2012 "Yofuku no Aoyama" Commercial
2013 "Zetsumei Exhibition", Parco Museum, Tokyo, Exhibition model
2014 "Zetsumei Exhibition", The National Art Center, Tokyo, show model 2018 "FUJIFILM "Photo is 50,000 People's Photo Exhibition
2018 ", CF model 2016 "SUMMER SONIC", Summer Soni Girl
2017 "Gospel linking Tokyo", Announcement
2018 "Metro Deutschland” , Germany, Commercial
2019 "5CA" Commercial , Netherland, Commercial
2019 "Philips Sonicare International" Commercial
2019 'PERCEPHONE' Greek film, insert song alto chorus
2022 'Talent Garden Innovation School Vienna' CF model
2024 “Yumi Mizuguchi 1st Album” 2 insert songs MV actor

2010 「恋のから騒ぎ」17期生、日本テレビ
2011 「つながるセブン」お天気お姉さん、J:COM
2012 「洋服の青山」コマーシャル
2013 「絶命展」パルコミュージアム 展示モデル
2014 「絶命展」東京国立新美術館、ショーモデル
2018 「FUJIFILM “Photo is 5万人の写真展 2018”」CFモデル
2016 「SUMMER SONIC」サマソニガール
2017 「Gospel linking Tokyo」アナウンスメント
2018 「Metro Deutschland」コマーシャル
2019 「5CA」コマーシャル
2019 「Philips Sonicare International」コマーシャル
2019 「PERSEPHONE」ギリシャ映画 挿入歌アルトコーラス
2022 「Talent Garden Innovation School Vienna」CFモデル
2024 「水口ゆみ 1st Album」 挿入歌2曲 MV出演

2016-2017 K's Special Needs Entertainment - Entertainment Performance Instructor

2016-2017 一般社団法人K’sスペシャルニーズ エンターテイメント - パフォーマンス講師


2010-2013 Bunka Fashion College Tokyo - 3years Diploma of Fashion Design
(▲#2 Best Fashion School of 2015 by Business of Fashion 2013: #7 in top 50 fashion schools in the world according to Fashionista)

2007-2010 VOAT Nagoya - Pop Vocal
2013-2016 Eye Motion Actors Atelier - Acting Performance

2020 Talent Garden Innovation School - UX/UI Design
2013 Edinburgh School Of English

2010-2013 文化服装学院 - F工科課程ニットデザイン科卒業(3年制)

2007-2010 VOAT Nagoya - ポップスボーカル
2013-2016 Eye Motion Actors Atelier - 演技パフォーマンス

2020 Talent Garden Innovation School - UX/UIデザイン
2013 Edinburgh School Of English - 短期英語留学


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